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A new lease of life for the mobilization for an emergency plan for 93

Press release from the inter-union education 93 of October 1, 2024

The interprofessional day of action on October 1, called for by the education inter-union FSU 93 – CGT ÉDUC’ACTION 93 – CNT 93 – SUD ÉDUCATION 93, mobilized staff massively in certain establishments in the department and more strongly than on October 10 september. In the political vagueness maintained by the government, which after weeks of latency before its appointment, is taking its time to communicate and address the question of the budget, the anger and dismay of educational staff and teachers is intact. And the need for a real shock of resources for public schools in Seine-Saint-Denis is widely supported in all establishments.

It’s time to breathe new life to the mobilization for an emergency plan for 93. Public services and schools in particular are at a tipping point: the historic mobilization initiated last spring in our department demonstrates that staff are not resigned to the face to the organized dismantling of national education.

Furthermore, the appointment of Michel Barnier and the constitution of a government with conspiratorial, racist and LGBTQIA+phobic overtones constitutes a democratic coup and a total denial of the failure of Macronism. We expect very hard times for national education in the continuity of the authoritarian and reactionary measures that we denounce. The appointment of a team on rue de Grenelle whose concerns seem very far from public schools has only confirmed our concern and our anger.

While the minister is only linked to public schools through members of her family, her secretary of state is an ardent defender of private schools. – already heavily financed by public subsidies. The first statements made by ministers in the Barnier government also attest to a contempt for the most vulnerable and public schools, maintaining xenophobic and racist discourses which fuel fractures within our society, but it is also the all public services which are threatened by the austerity and simplification and austerity projects carried out by the government in place.

The public school project that we defend, emancipatory and enabling the success of all, must now come about, in part thanks to emergency plan 93. We refuse to allow the liberalism and austerity that have been imposed on us for seven years to continue. to give rise to xenophobic, ableist, LGBTQIA+phobic and far-right ideologies.

The inter-union education 93 still demands the application of its demands to repair public schools:

  • implementation of the emergency plan 93
  • repeal of the various social and educational segregation reforms (shock of knowledge, national evaluations, Blanquer reforms, Parcoursup, LP reform, SNU, etc.) which increase hierarchical pressures and toxic management as well as socio-academic inequalities.
  • improvement of working conditions, salaries and training for all staff, notably the creation of a real status and the immediate upgrading of AESH to enable a school for all with resources.

Our determination remains intact. We are resuming the fight to demand a clash of means against the clash of knowledge. The education inter-union 93 and the education AG 93 call on all staff:

  • to organize tours of establishments to sign the petition for an emergency plan for 93.
  • to make the petition as visible as possible through all possible channels, in particular social networks.
  • to increase activist initiatives with high visibility.
  • to organize and take part in public meetings to meet parents and the population. The first will be held in on Thursday October 3 at 5 p.m. on the town hall square.
  • combat by all means government policies which attack staff, students and the population of 93 in general
  • to come in large numbers to the meeting on November 12 at the Departmental Labor Exchange.

We need an emergency plan for Seine-Saint-Denis now!

Inter-union meeting for an emergency plan for education 93


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