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Geneva: Hospice tackles non-recourse to social assistance

Hospice tackles non-recourse to social assistance

Too many people do not seek this support even though “it is a right”, the institution loudly asserts. A new communication campaign is launched.

Published today at 4:02 p.m.

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Too many people do not apply for social assistance, even though “it is a right”, loudly asserts the General Hospice (HG), which is launching a new communication campaign to remedy this. It will be deployed throughout the canton from this Monday, October 7.

After already two awareness-raising operations in 2021 and 2022, aimed at reducing the drama of recourse to this aid, the HG now wants to go further by speaking directly to people in difficulty. Considering that a public service must be accessible to everyone, this campaign aims to encourage rights holders to come forward. An element appearing in the prevention mission of the Hospice, as well as in the new law on social assistance and the fight against precariousness (LASLP) which will come into force on 1is next January.

Numerous studies show that almost a third of people who could benefit from such support do not request it, “a phenomenon that several European countries and on a Swiss scale, other cantons are trying to counter”, notes the ‘HG in a press release.

A site and a hotline

The reasons for this non-recourse are multiple: lack of information, administrative phobia, feeling of shame… “Early treatment with appropriate social support helps prevent one unresolved problem from leading to another and a situation deteriorates over time,” recommends the social institution.

Three different posters will be visible throughout the canton. They feature three faces in close-up with a simple slogan “Social assistance is a right”. Without any misrification, they encourage us to ask ourselves the question of the need for help.

The campaign aims to be pragmatic and invites the public to obtain more information via the dedicated website ou sa hot-line: 022 420 52 00.


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Laurence Bézaguet has worked at the Tribune de Genève since 1995. Started his career at Courrier before working for six years at the daily La Suisse. Was also an independent journalist for eighteen months in Canada and wrote a book on the Crossing of the Harbor, published in 1996, with former State Councilor David Hiler. More info

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