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Forced departure of asylum seekers: Legault and the “journey of shame”, according to the interim leader of the PLQ

In a publication in the compulsory departure from Quebec territory of half of asylum seekers.

The interim leader of the Quebec Liberal Party describes Mr. Legault’s mission as a “journey of shame”.

“In , he demonstrated once again his inability to demonstrate the haughtiness required by his role as prime minister,” he wrote.

Earlier this week, during his trip to France, François Legault took everyone by surprise by demanding from Ottawa the forced departure of 80,000 asylum seekers currently in Quebec.

According to Mr. Tanguay, the Prime Minister’s request ignores the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.

“By completely ignoring the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, he made a shocking and unacceptable proposal on immigration,” continued the elected Liberal.

“Asking Ottawa to force half of asylum seekers to leave Quebec is a measure that contradicts our values. “It’s not Quebec,” he said, recalling that these are “families, vulnerable people, who deserve to be treated with dignity and not as a simple burden to be moved.”

The Prime Minister defended his position Friday by affirming that it is up to Ottawa to find a solution to the phenomenon of asylum seekers who impose an “economic and social burden” on Quebec.

Marc Tanguay also underlined that in 2018, the Prime Minister had “recognized “not being a budding genius in the field”.

“It is clear that six years later, he has still not succeeded in demonstrating the slightest competence or, worse, sensitivity,” according to Mr. Tanguay, who believes that the PM’s remarks demonstrate “pure improvisation and a lack of humanity towards human beings.

“What we know after this week with his shameful outing on asylum seekers is that he has a huge deficit of credibility, competence and above all… heart,” he said. concluded.


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