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“Senegal cannot tend towards a dictatorship of the PM” (Badara Gadiaga).

Badara Gadiaga spoke out following the debate relating to the numerous arrests noted this week in Senegal. The TFM columnist thus sounded the alarm on a creeping dictatorship. “We must not tend towards a dictatorship of the PM,” he advised against. According to him, Senegal is today facing article 80 bis because those who were arrested were questioned on the basis of comments they allegedly made against the Prime Minister. Mr. Gadiaga insists that democracy in Senegal was won through bitter struggles. And to add that in a country where “Cheikh Omar Diagne allows himself to make remarks against Mouridism, Bougane Guèye Dany should not be summoned for a matter relating to the Prime Minister. »

Badara Gadiaga will also say that when the Senegalese were fighting for respect for freedoms, Ousmane Sonko was still in his office. “There are sentries to defend this democracy and no one can intimidate them […] »Senegal cannot move towards a dictatorship of the PM. » For the Bougane and Cheikh Yérim Seck files, they finally rejected the hot potato, he insisted. Before pointing out that anyone who uses hurtful words against people should expect backlash. “In 6 months, freedoms have been violated, how many demonstrations have been banned […]. » Madiambal Diagne was banned from traveling even though, he says, he does not hold a diplomatic passport. Badara Gadiaga to invite state authorities to address the concerns of the Senegalese linked to the high prices of food, the cost of electricity (Wyofal), etc.



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