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The president of Pas-de-Calais supports the 3 Active Life agents attacked in Calais

By Margot Nicodème
Published on

7 May 24 at 2:42 p.m.

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Jean-Claude Leroy “firmly condemns” the attack on three Active Life agentsan association which works in various social and solidarity branches, occurred May 6 in Calais.

The president of the Pas-de-Calais Department provides, at the same time, its support for the victims : “May they be assured of the entire solidarity of our community. Such a fact, in the exercise of [leur] humanitarian mission, is not eligible.

Attacks in showers: blows to the head and death threats

On Monday, May 6, three members of Active Life were attacked while they were “ mobilized for access to showers for the migrant population » in Calais, reports the prefecture. According to Delta FMone of the associations was hit in the head and two others were been threatened with deathone with a knife.

The police intervened and the La Vie active teams were evacuated from the site. Access to the showers on rue de Judee has been temporarily suspended.

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