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supports Morocco after a court decision – La Nouvelle Tribune

The dispute between the Morocco to the European Union on fisheries and agricultural agreements is experiencing a new chapter. On Friday, the Court of Justice ofEuropean Union (CJEU) invalidated these agreements, shaking the foundations of Moroccan-European relations. This decision is rooted in the thorny issue of Western Sahara, a territory whose status remains disputed. The agreements in dispute, linking the EU to Morocco, included the maritime and land resources of this area, provoking the ire of the Front Polisariowhich campaigns for the independence of Western Sahara.

reiterates its commitment to Rabat

Following this verdict, French diplomacy promptly expressed its support for the Shereef kingdom. THE Quai d’Orsay highlighted the crucial importance of the links uniting Europe with Morocco. This declaration demonstrates ’s desire to maintain its privileged relations with Rabat, despite European legal turmoil. While recognizing the decision of the ECJParis reaffirms its desire to strengthen its collaboration with Morocco.

Priority to economic and social development

The France is not limited to words of support. It is actively committed to promoting economic exchanges with the Moroccoin coordination with its European allies. This approach aims to consolidate the progress made within the framework of the partnership, while respecting international legal standards. The attention paid by France to the development of the Sahara reveals a long-term vision. By supporting Moroccan initiatives in this region, Paris seeks to promote the stability of a contested territory, while strengthening its ties with a key partner in North Africa.

A changing diplomatic landscape

The French position fits into a dynamic regional context. Other European nations, notably Spainalso reacted to the decision of the ECJemphasizing the importance given to relations with Rabat. This concordance of views between certain EU countries could guide the European response to this crisis. The mention of the correspondence between Emmanuel Macron et Mohammed VI during the Throne Day illustrates the sustainability of French commitment and its anchoring in a lasting perspective of Franco-Moroccan relations.

The future of agreements EU-Morocco remains unclear, but France’s reaction highlights the multiplicity of issues involved. Beyond legal considerations, all Euro-Mediterranean relations could undergo an overhaul. In this changing landscape, the French approach, combining diplomatic support and concrete commitment to progress, could inspire balanced management of regional challenges. The European Union will have to find a delicate balance between its legal obligations and its strategic interests in an area crucial to its security and prosperity.


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