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After Futuroscope, Miss 2024 will aim for the universe

In two months, she will leave her Miss 2024 sash. “It will neither be a sigh of relief, because this role is unique and we know that it only lasts one year, nor a disappointment, because there are projects afterwards”confides Ève Gilles, Friday October 4, 2024 at Futuroscope, where she attends the election of Miss Poitou-Charentes.

“May they be proud of themselves”

Her role as Miss France actually requires her to attend the regional elections. What she has been doing since June: “I try to be present every time, provided the schedule allows it”assures the 21-year-old young woman, accompanied by Cindy Fabre, the director of the national Miss France competition. “I like this role of godmother, to the candidates, she adds. We give them advice and keys to reduce stress when going on stage. I also tell them that a year ago, I was like them. »

During the briefing with the candidates, Ève Gilles “helps to put things into perspective” : “They must only play their own role, without overdoing it. I also tell them to look for my gaze in the audience, if they ever have a memory lapse, it can help them overcome stress. » And, after the show, it’s often “cuddle time” with those who will be the most disappointed: “We congratulate them and, above all, we tell them that they can be proud of themselves. »

For Ève Gilles, the adventure will therefore end at Futuroscope, on December 14, 2024, since the Arena will host the Miss France 2025 ceremony that evening. She certainly does not view this passing of the crown in a negative way. “I already see myself in the role of big sister to the next Miss France”she smiled. Until then, his schedule is full, particularly with his involvement with associations “which will lead to a series of events in the coming weeks”with E France, which fights against cyberharassment between students, or even Les Bonnes Fées, for the cause of women.

The universe in sight

The 94e Miss France has other projects after the Futuroscope ceremony next December. “First of all, to resume my studies, which have been put on hold for a year”she assures. And then that of competing for another sash, that of Miss Universe, in 2025: “Participating in this big American show really appeals to me, it’s my next challenge! »


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