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Artificial insemination: with the Ain Jemâa center, this is how Maroc Lait intends to boost the dairy sector

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Managed for years by the State, the Ain Jemâa regional artificial insemination center was entrusted to Morocco Milkwhich will now be responsible for its management and operation, with the aim of improving the artificial insemination service in Morocco. The delegated management agreement was signed by the Federation with the Ministry of Agriculture on Friday October 4.

Another agreement relating to digitalization of the sectorby setting up the information system “SIMALAIT“, was also signed by both parties. This system will facilitate support for operators in the sector, and improve production efficiency.

Ensure 50% of national needs for dairy cattle seeds

Among the main objectives set by Maroc Lait for the regional artificial insemination center, the annual production of 400,000 doses of frozen dairy bovine semento respond to 50% of national needs.

The Federation also plans toimport 400,000 doses of the main dairy breeds annuallyespecially race Holstein, Montbéliarde et Jersey of high genetic value, as well as supplying artificial insemination circuits with locally produced genetic material.

To do this, a budget of 12 million DH will be allocated to this center over the period 2024-2026, financed at the rate of 6 MDH by each of the two signatory parties (6 MDH by Maroc Lait and 6 MDH by the Ministry of Agriculture).

Five years of operation

Consulted by Médias24, this agreement, which defines the conditions and terms of management and operation of the said Center by Maroc Lait, extends over 5 ans. It intervenes within the framework of the strategy Green generation and the program contract for the dairy sector signed in 2023 with the Ministry of Agriculture, totaling more than 12 billion DH.

Artificial insemination represents a central axis for the genetic improvement of animal breeds and the increase in the production of milk and red meat. It is for this reason that the Ministry of Agriculture has created, since 1970, two regional artificial insemination centers in Casablanca and Kenitra to cover the needs of the national herd in terms of artificial insemination, while bearing all the costs linked to this operation.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the operation of artificial insemination has been reorganized with a new dynamic aimed at intensifying and generalizing its use among breeders, which has made it possible to multiply by ten the total number of inseminations carried out between 1990 and 2000.

In response to the objectives of the Green Generation strategy, which aims to increase milk production from 2.5 to 3.5 billion liters, as formulated in the sector’s program contract, this agreement entrusts the management of the regional artificial insemination center of Ain Jemâa to the Maroc Lait Federation, so that the professional sector contributes to the development process of the sector, in accordance with the national guidelines established in this area, based on the principle of partnership between the ministry and operators in the sector, but also to give it new life and meet the growing demand for seeds, while improving the quality of their genetic characteristics.

Main objectives of the convention

The main objectives of this convention are therefore improving management and operations of the Center in question in order to meet the needs of milk producers for high quality frozen seeds from a genetic, biological and health perspective, as well as its upgrade according to internationally recognized technical and health standards and requirements to guarantee the quality of frozen seeds supplied to professionals in the dairy sector.

This agreement also aims to:

– Equip the Center with the means and equipment necessary for the production of frozen seeds, while guaranteeing the safety and biological quality of sperm, as well as its reproductive efficiency, freezing and storage;

– Increase the production of frozen seeds within the Center to meet the needs of dairy cow breeders;

– Ensure a sufficient reserve of doses of frozen semen for the breeds of dairy cows used or to be preserved, in accordance with a program agreed with the ministry;

– Monitor the production, control, storage and distribution of doses of frozen seeds within the Center;

– Store doses of frozen seeds imported by breeders who are members of the Federation or their organizations;

– Participate in the training of technicians in artificial insemination and genetic improvement;

– Contribute to the preparation and implementation of development projects aimed at improving the genetics of the livestock;

– Participate in national breeding bull testing and selection programs;

– Organize awareness and training days on artificial insemination, aimed at dairy cow breeders, professional organizations, stakeholders in the livestock sector, as well as schools and higher institutes;

– Carry out any action or activity aimed at improving the genetics of the national herd and promoting artificial insemination.

The commitments of the signatory parties

To do this, the two signatory parties have committed to several points. As for the Ministry of Agriculture, it undertakes to:

– Mandate the Maroc Lait Federation for the management and operation of the said Center;

– Participate in its rehabilitation and upgrading in accordance with internationally recognized technical and health standards, within the limits of the budget set in the program contract;

– Ensure, via this Center, control of the quality of seeds produced or imported, in accordance with current legislation;

– Organize the profession of artificial inseminator;

– Coordinate with the National Food Safety Office (ONSSA) for health surveillance.

With regard to Maroc Lait, it undertakes, among other things, to:

– Manage and operate the Center in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, the statutes and the internal regulations of the Federation;

– Manage the activities of the Center, including production, conservation, storage and distribution of frozen seeds;

– Provide the human resources necessary for the operation of the Center and assume responsibility for them;

– Supply the Center in selected bullsbelonging to pure dairy breeds, respecting the technical and health standards defined in the specifications approved by the ministry;

– Ensure the health and technical supervision of the center’s bulls, and provide the necessary conditions for their breeding (feeding, veterinary care, analyses, etc.);

– Participate in national breeding bull testing programs;

– Provide the Center with the modern equipment and means necessary for laboratory management;

– Participate in the preparation and implementation of development projects aimed at improve the genetics of the national herd through artificial insemination programs;

– Acquire all modern equipment and materials necessary to improve the Center’s performance in terms of production of frozen semen, both quantitatively and qualitatively, for all breeds of dairy cattle in order to meet the needs of breeders;

– Renovate and repair buildings and restructure frozen seed production units (stables, laboratories), in accordance with international standards.

This is what this Center will look like after renovation

After its renovation, the Ain Jemâa Regional Artificial Insemination Center will be composed of several units, including:

– a genetic bank;

– a preparation room;

– bullfighting boxes;

– food storage stores, technical equipment for artificial insemination and laboratory;

– offices and meeting rooms;

– and a basin for collecting rainwater.

20.3 MDH for a new information system for the dairy sector

The other agreement signed between Maroc Lait and the Ministry of Agriculture this same Friday concerns the establishment of the new Moroccan milk information system SIMALAIT.

It is a modern IT management tool for development actions in the dairy sector, to facilitate support for operators and improve production efficiency.

With a budget of 20.3 million DHfinanced 61% by the ministry and 39% by Maroc Lait, this information system will make it possible to:

– Encode data from nursery units;

– Use digital and technological tools at all links in the value chain;

– Organize seminars, conferences and workshops at the lactopole and regional level for the benefit of the members of the Federation.

Update on genetic improvement projects and creation of regional breeding supervision units

In addition to the signing of these two conventions, the event organized this Friday by Maroc Lait was also an opportunity for the Minister of Agriculture to take stock of the progress made within the framework of conventions already initiated in the sector, notably that relating to genetic improvement, a complementary project to the Artificial Insemination Center.

Remember that the budget allocated to this project amounts to 191 MDH, 69% financed by Maroc Lait. Its main objective is to support, monitor and manage generic improvement programs.

According to Maroc Lait, until 2024, the creation and upgrading of 22 circuits artificial insemination, and the importation of 100,000 doses of frozen bovine semen.

The other project on which the Dairy Industry Federation has decided relates to the creation of regional livestock management units dairy (URELS) whose objective is the diagnosis of the situation of dairy farms at the regional level, the development, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of regional support programs, as well as coordination between the different regional partners.

This project of 24,5 MDH is 53% financed by Maroc Lait, compared to 47% by the ministry. To date, 6 URELS were createdés by the Federation. The Minister of Agriculture insisted on bringing this figure at 8 URELS with the creation of specialized units in the regions of the Oriental and the North.

1 MDH for the development of an educational stable

This Friday, the Minister of Agriculture also gave his agreement in principle for the financing of a project development of an educational stable, carried by Maroc Lait. The need for budgeting amounts to 1 million DH.

In concrete terms, it is a space dedicated to trainees and apprentices for practical work, adaptive research work in collaboration with national and international research institutes, visits by foreign delegations, particularly African ones, as well as visits by students. agronomic schools and institutes.

This modern pilot barn will take into account the major international standards in terms of performance (high productivity and profitability), environment and animal welfare.

Through this project, the Maroc Lait Federation aims to reach 1,600 trainees and project leaders and breeders per year. In terms of performance, it aims to reach 9,000 liters for the Holstein breed, and 8,000 liters for the Montbéliarde breed.

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