DayFR Euro

GARD Yann Gerard, the new right-hand man of the prefect

Yann Gérard, 48 years old and originally from Brittany, is the new secretary general of the prefecture.


This Monday marked the entry into office of the new secretary general of the prefecture, Yann Gérard. A sort of “second in command” to the prefect responsible for managing 270 staff at the prefecture, but also for implementing government policies at the department level. The forty-year-old also becomes the sub-prefect of the district of Nîmes: “ This allows us to be as close as possible to the reality on the ground, to work with local authorities, businesses and associations. “.

Who is Yann Gérard? Coming from Eure-et-Loire, the secretary general is originally from Brittany. He started his career at the Ministry of the Interior then worked as a central administrator on foreigners’ rights. After a stint in Yvelines, Yann Gérard worked in the office of Minister of Labor Myriam El Khomri, from 2014 to 2016, under the mandate of President Hollande. A period marked by strikes against the Labor law.

It remains to be seen what Yann Gérard knows about Gard? “ I know the department through Algues-Mortes having spent holidays there “, he notes. In the coming months, the civil servant will therefore have to familiarize himself with the territory and its many problems. In the meantime, he is starting his role with flying colors with the organization of the Feria d’Alès and Nîmes. Two big challenges to ensure the safety of millions of partygoers.


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