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at Sciences Po , a new demonstration against the Jewish state causes controversy

While Luis Vassy has just been appointed new director of Sciences Po, the institution is once again witnessing a pro-Palestinian student demonstration this Thursday, October 3. In the images obtained by CNEWS, students chant anti-Israel slogans. This event comes approximately seven months after the last demonstrations in which the establishment was the scene.

“Israel assassin, Sciences Po complicit”. This Thursday, October 3, Science Po is once again the scene of anti-Israel student demonstrations seven months after the March 12 occupation of an amphitheater, which fueled controversy. A mobilization which takes place on Africa Day within the school, where many actors from the continent come, for example, to give conferences.

In images obtained by CNEWS, the students gathered in the hall chant several slogans against the Jewish state such as “Netanyahu, get out of it, Palestine is not yours”, “for our brothers in Palestine and all those who “we are assassinated, we are here” and brandish Palestinian and Lebanese flags.

Why are Sciences Po complicit? The students denounce in particular the continuation of educational exchanges between Israel and Sciences Po Paris. On the institution’s website, partnerships with the universities of Ben-Gurion of the Negev (Beer Sheva), Reichman (Tel Aviv), Tel Aviv and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are still apparent. Last spring, many students called for all relationships to be called off.

“Soothe” an establishment in turmoil

“None of the students who took part in these demonstrations want to speak specifically to CNEWS and prevent other students from doing so as well,” specifies our correspondent Anne Isabelle Tollet.

While Sciences Po has just appointed Luis Vassy as head of the establishment, the latter has also been shaken for months by controversies linked to the mobilizations of pro-Palestinian students.

Barely named, its objective was to try to “appease” the school. “As it’s a bit of a storm, we have to understand what the course is, redesign this institution and get it back on track,” according to the latter. At the beginning of September, measures to “better train” its students on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were announced by Science Po.


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