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A school for children with multiple disabilities has opened near , a first in Ille-et-Vilaine

Dependent on the Elisabeth-Zucman childhood center in -de-Bretagne, this teaching unit for children with multiple disabilities is the first established in Ille-et-Vilaine and . It was created at the instigation of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), which finances its operation. It opened its doors on April 15, 2024, and was officially inaugurated on Monday September 30.

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Welcoming children with multiple disabilities requires space (classroom, rehabilitation room, sufficiently large sanitary space, etc.), so it was necessary to identify a school that had available premises. The town hall of Pont-Péan responded favorably to the establishment of this teaching unit within the Lucie-Aubrac school group.

From then on, the first meetings between the town hall, the National Education services, the ARS and the Elisabeth-Zucman childhood center began in 2023. Renovation and adaptation work was necessary and was financed by the The State and the department at 80%, 20% remaining the responsibility of the municipality.

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“It’s a success”

To support these students with multiple disabilities, several professionals intervene: a specialist teacher appointed by the academy, a socio-educational and re-educative team. With children with multiple disabilities, the team must often show imagination and creativity to adapt tools and supports but also to put the children in a learning condition. , explains Catherine Derouette, director of the Elisabeth-Zucman childhood center.

The six new students with multiple disabilities quickly found their bearings. They appear fulfilled and happy to be at school. The days are dedicated to learning, educational activities, rehabilitation and basic care. Time is shared with nursery and elementary classes: recess with children from CP/CE1 classes with whom the playground is shared, but also the canteen, the school party, etc.

Joint projects with different classes are gradually being considered to allow everyone to meet, discover each other, and learn together. Michel Demolder, mayor, concludes: It is a success thanks to the active collaboration of all stakeholders.


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