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Royal donations to the Chorfas of Zaouïas Sidi Ayad Soussi and Tijania

A Royal Commission proceeded, Tuesday in the province of Taroudant, to the delivery of two royal donations for the benefit of the Chorfas of the Zaouïa of Sidi Ayad Soussi (commune of Igoudar Mnabha) and the Zaouïa Tijania (commune of Taroudant), to on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the death of the late HM Hassan II, may God rest his soul.

The royal donations were presented during two religious ceremonies held in the presence of the governor of the province of Taroudant, Lahoucine Amzal, the provincial delegate for Islamic affairs, the president of the local Ulema Council and elected officials, as well as other civil and military figures.

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On this occasion, the representatives of the Zaouïas expressed their deep gratitude to HM King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, for the High Royal concern and the interest with which the Sovereign surrounds the religious field.

During these ceremonies marked by the declamation of verses from the Holy Quran and panegyrics of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (PBUH), the audience implored the Most High to preserve His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, and to fill Him in the persons of HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and all the members of the Illustrious Royal Family.

Prayers were also raised for the repose of the souls of the late Sovereigns, the late HM Mohammed V and the late HM Hassan II, may God have them in His Holy Mercy.

With MAP


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