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Travail also takes care of housing the unemployed

the essential
While the difficulty of finding housing is a significant peripheral obstacle in the search for employment, particularly seasonal, Travail has formed a partnership with Action Logement en to try to find solutions.

This is an obstacle that many employees and many companies unfortunately know only too well: the difficulty of finding accommodation not far from one’s workplace. “Occitanie welcomes 40,000 new inhabitants each year, which further increases the pressure on the real estate stock,” points out Karine Meininger, regional director of France Travail Occitanie. For seasonal jobs, to be filled in busy areas during certain seasons, in which rents rise quickly, this even becomes a headache. To the point that, sometimes, certain hires do not close. Hence the need to “make a better link between housing and employment”, concludes Karine Meininger, who can welcome the very recent signing of a regional agreement between her organization and Action Logement Occitanie.

Two dedicated websites

This structure aims to facilitate access to housing for employees, via a range of diverse and varied aid which ranges from the granting of Visale guarantees (to constitute a rental file in the private sector) to loans for purchase, through rental allocations. “Concretely, a job seeker can have access to all the housing offers that Action Logement makes available,” explains Karine Meininger. Two platforms should be known: first, Mes Aides France Travail, with its tab dedicated to housing; then, AL’, the site developed by Action Logement. “If I look at the first one at the moment, I find 180 offers,” notes the regional director of France Travail. “Our objective is to communicate with job seekers but also with companies to tell them that this exists and that This can be an incentive for them. We want to encourage mobility and integrate job seekers over the long term.” Action Logement is also regularly present on forums and job dating events to provide information on its services.


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