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what we know about the perpetrator of the knife attack

Shortly before the attack, the stabber posted a confusing text on Instagram about love, sex and his country of origin.

The 23-year-old man, arrested after the attack, is a student at the University of Zurich and lived near the scene of the incident. Shortly before the attack, he had published a confusing text on Instagram discussing love, sex and his native country.

Orgetorix Kuhn / ch media

Why would someone attack three defenseless children with a knife? Since the incident, this question has tormented investigators, the children’s parents and the general public.

During a first press conference, the police spokesperson indicated that the attacker’s motive remained unknown. An Instagram post now raises further questions, according to initial information from TeleZüri.

A strange Instagram post

Just before the attack, around noon, the attacker posted a long text on the social network. He first describes sexual fantasies with a woman as well as his erection. He then talks about the lack he feels towards the latter and their moments spent together, like when they “held an umbrella together”.

The arrest of the attacker.Image: telezuri

The text also addresses his love for the Party and for his country of origin. October 1 is the national holiday in China. According to an article in the NZZ, knife attacks have increased recently in China, particularly targeting the most vulnerable in society. Should we see a link there? The investigation will undoubtedly determine this.

However, it is difficult to understand what the man wanted to express through this post, partly due to the translation. The police have not yet commented on these elements and the possible motive.

The Scorpion special unit mobilized

The 23-year-old lives in accommodation in the JUWO youth network. According to information from TeleZürihe is registered as a master’s student at the University of Zurich. After the incident, members of the Scorpion special unit immediately searched the suspect’s apartment.

Students describe the young man as quiet and reserved. He was rarely heard from, he often stayed in his studio. During discussions, his comrades said they were shocked by what happened.

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