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For the past two weeks, residents of Morne-Pitault in François have been experiencing water cuts

For several days, Morne-Pitault residents in François have been impacted by water cuts, due to the “decrease in water production, partly due to the “persistent drought”. As a result, the nursery municipal council of the district remained closed this Friday, May 3.

This Friday, the municipal daycare center of Morne-Pitault in François was unable to accommodate children. This is one of the consequences of the numerous water cuts that have occurred for several days in the neighborhood due to the “decrease in water production, due in part to persistent drought”.

Due to difficulties in supplying water to the “Morne Pitault” and “Morne Serpent” reservoirs managed by Odyssi (operator on this Morne Pitault Lamentin network), the distribution of drinking water is still experiencing disruptions, or even interruptions. The districts concerned are: Morne L’Enfer – Morne Pitault – Desroses – Morne Serpent – Bel Ame – Bel Air.

“Given the configuration of this network, a return to normal cannot be defined at this stage”indicates the municipality.

It is not the entire Morne Pitault sector that is experiencing the impacts of the drought. It is the Mixed A school which is therefore in difficulty, but we do indeed have a water recovery system which allows the school to operate for the moment. Residents have been in great difficulty for 15 days while the entire south of Martinique is irrigated. But in this small piece of Franciscan territory, there is this problem. Morne Pitault is held hostage in relation to a pipeline, a somewhat unusual water distribution between the SME and Odyssi, which complicates the situation.

Samuel Tavernier, mayor of François

interviewed by Viviane Dauphoud-Eddos

In order to bring “initial assistance to the impacted population and responding to public health issues linked to the lack of drinking water for everyday activities”several measures were put in place last week.

Three water tanks, 9m3 in total, for household use were made available and filled by the firefighters. They are installed at the entrance to Morne L’Enfer 1 and in Desroses before the Morne Pitault crèche.

The SME also made bottles of drinking water available to the population.

In order to explain to residents the reasons for the recurring water cuts, residents are invited to a public meeting this Friday (May 3) at the Morne Pitault A school at 6 p.m.



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