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Free public transport undermined by two PLR deputies

The debate on free public transport is relaunched in Geneva. 20 minutes reveals that two PLR deputies have filed an appeal before the Constitutional Chamber of the Court of Justice. The two elected officials invoke a project contrary to federal law. Enough to make the defenders of young people and seniors in the canton jump, who denounce this relentlessness.

Free public transport for young people and a discount for seniors seemed to be on track in Geneva. But two deputies decided to file an appeal, in their personal capacity. Yvan Zweifel and Adrien Genecand note a decision, according to them, contrary to federal law. “There are also more political aspects, there is no such thing as free. Everything has a cost,” adds Adrien Genecand.

If Swiss law provides that users of public transport pay an appropriate share of the costs, free transport remains possible in theory, if it does not affect more than 20% of the population.

“It’s an act like spitting on the youth of Geneva”

In Geneva, free access was to come into force on January 1, 2025, but the appeal casts the shadow of a suspensive effect. On the side of AVIVO Geneva, we deplore the relentlessness in the face of this project: “I can only say it’s a shame. The Geneva authorities tried to look at what was possible. This maneuver, months after the decisions, is regrettable,” said the president of the association Ueli Leuenberger.

For the president of the Youth Council Gabriel Haddad, the legal argument is nothing other than a false pretext after a setback at the Grand Council. “It is a pure desire to blow up a project which is close to the heart of the Geneva population more generally. […] “It’s an act like spitting on Geneva’s youth,” he says.

As a reminder, the project provided for, on the one hand, free public transport for young people aged 6 to 24, residents or training in Geneva, and, on the other hand, a 50% reduction for AVS beneficiaries. and AI.

Accusations refuted by the two PLR elected officials who underline the aid already present in Geneva for the most deprived. Contacted, the State Councilor in charge of Mobility Pierre Maudet did not wish to comment. An official communication from the Council of State on this subject will appear this Wednesday.


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