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Near Rennes, cells available in this business village

By Editorial Vitré
Published on

May 3, 24 at 10:36

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The business village of the Bois de Teillay area in Janzenear Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) still offers the possibility of opening six commercial cells.

170 m² to more than 200 m²

Located in the heart of the activity area du Bois de Teillay in Janzé, the business village is the result of a collaboration between Presqu’île Investissement and Roche aux Fées Community.

It aims to densify the local economic fabric while promoting synergies between businesses. “There are only six cells left available for purchase in this business village, offering spaces from 170 m² to more than 200 m², at prices ranging from 230,000 to 268,000 euros,” underlines Océane Rivallandeconomic land and corporate real estate project manager at Roche aux fées Community.

Artisans, wholesalers or service companies

Intended for artisans, wholesalers and service companies, these premises offer an environment conducive to the collaboration and economic growth.

The advantages of the business village are direct access to the departmental road linking Rennes to Chateaubriant/Angers and the Bain de Bretagne-Vitré axis.

Information on 06 30 65 41 51.

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