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On the outskirts of Brussels, Vlaams Belang “disguises itself” as citizen lists

Eliminate the facilities, compulsory monitoring for French speakers…: this is what the Flemish nationalists want for the Brussels periphery

The link between this list and the far-right party, however, goes beyond a simple graphic coincidence. In the communication from Leefbaar Overijse, no visible link with Belang. No logo with a yellow and black lion. Unlike Forza Ninove, there is no officially active candidate in Belang either. But some basic research allows us to see the connections.

The 3rd candidate, Koen Denayer, is still listed as a contact person on the website of the Flemish Brabant local of Vlaams Belang. The candidate in 8th place recently shared Belang publications on Facebook. In the past, the connection was even clearer. The 2018 list indeed had in second position Philip Claeys, former Vlaams Belang MEP and now head of the VB list in Knokke-Heist.

During a recent debate held in Overijse, the various lists ruled out any collaboration with Leefbaar Overijse. With the exception of the cartel list drawn up by Mayor N-VA. “I think that it is up to the voter to decide and that the politician must then take the result into account. We will never cooperate with extremist parties, whether left or right.”tells us Mayor Inge Lenseclaes (N-VA), for whom Leefbaar Overijse is different from Vlaams Belang. Fundamentally different story from his majority partner. “We are of course against it. We want to avoid an N-VA-Belang majority in Overijse“, denounces Peter Lombaert (Groen, Team 3090), who deplores a “strategy“of Belang to hide behind a citizen list name.”They saw that it worked in Grimbergen and they want to follow the example.”

In Grimbergen, a former Belang in charge

In this municipality in the north of the Rand, there is no Vlaams Belang list in October either. However, it is indeed one of the former great figures of the party who took power under the label Renewal. In Grimbergen, the mayoral sash is held by Bart Laeremans. A name that vaguely rings a bell? For years, the Grimbergeois was one of the central figures of the Vlaams Blok, now Vlaams Belang. Federal deputy for fifteen years for the party, also passing through the Senate, he even became vice-president of the Chamber for a moment on behalf of the far-right party.

In 2015, however, he left the party to concentrate on his Grimberge stronghold and his local Vernieuwing list. A distancing from the party structure, but without ideological distancing.

NVA and Belang wave at “Belgische Kust”: here, by seaside resort, is the party that came out on top (INFOGRAPHIC)

In 2018, his list obtained the largest number of seats and Laeremans was, by far, the most popular candidate with almost 3,500 preference votes. More officially in Belang; no more sanitary cordons, according to other local training. Previously sidelined, Laeremans, rid of his party card, has become acceptable in the eyes of some. A coalition was then sealed with the Open-VLD and the N-VA. But unease remains… Reluctance is expressed in particular at the level of the national management of Open-VLD, which has demanded distancing. A compromise is finally found. While, in any other municipality, his number of seats and his preferred votes would have propelled him to mayor, Laeremans agreed to leave the mayoral sash to a liberal. He will be satisfied with a post of alderman. An essential condition for not returning to the opposition. With him at his side in the college of aldermen, alderwoman Karlijne Van Bree, also on the Belang lists.

“All foreigners out”: an elected official from Grimbergen slips up during the municipal council

But in 2022, the tide has turned in Grimbergen. Laeremans rose to prominence as alderman. Discussions about the redevelopment of the city center and the possible arrival of a Jumbo have undermined the coalition. Vernieuwing then seized his chance. The Open-VLD was ejected, the CD&V rose to the majority… but, in the meantime, the rules of the game have changed in Flanders. From now on, the systemWalloon style” applies: the politician with the most votes from the largest majority list automatically becomes mayor. Laeremans then assumed the position of first citizen. An ascent then congratulated by the president of Belang Tom Van Grieken. “Well done Bart Laeremans! Make sure that Grimbergen remains Flemish!”

Seven Belang lists in the Rand

For these October elections, Vernieuwing is representing himself in Grimbergen. And again, no banner and no apparent current link with Vlaams Belang on the part of the candidates. But porosities remain… The list is once again drawn up by Laeremans and Van Bree, both former members of the party.

A former N-VA alderwoman appears, on the outskirts of Brussels, on the list… of Vlaams Belang

In passing, let us mention that Bart Laeremans’ brother, Jan, is, for his part, still in Belang and was re-elected to the Flemish Parliament last June. In 2022, he declared: “[Le Vlaams Belang] has its own premises here in Grimbergen, under my management. We leave municipal politics to Vernieuwing.”

Apart from these two cases of gray zone and disguise in Overijse and Grimbergen, Vlaams Belang officially presents itself this October 13 under its own banner in the municipalities of Asse, Beersel, Dilbeek, Meise, Merchtem, Leeuw-Saint-Pierre and Zaventem. In Brussels, the far-right party presents (incomplete) lists in Brussels City, Evere and Jette.

Report in the stronghold of Vlaams Belang: Ninove, where the flamingants expect “a monstrous score” in June, and especially in October


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