DayFR Euro

In Nancy, the arrival in a month of LAPI vehicles for automatic control of paid parking

It’s in a month, from Monday 3rd june, that the control of paid parking will be strengthened in Nancy. How ? Thanks to LAPI vehicles, understand vehicles equipped with Automated License Plate Reading cameras. The measure had received the green light from the municipal council from last November 6.

Today, 10 agents from the Streeteo company control more than half – 5,000 – of the 9,571 paying places “on the surface” of Nancy. From June, the same service provider will also use an LAPI vehicle, connected to the centralized payment computer base. This time, the entire parking lot can be checked every day. So it’s hard to cheat.

“I think I’m not going to play anymore!”

“In Nancy, there are only paid places. I suspect that there are people who try not to pay”sighs Stéphane at the wheel of his van, calculating the amount of his parking tickets. “That represents a certain amount! And I’m advancing the money to my boss”.

Carole will perhaps tempt the devil less with the new device. “Sometimes I don’t pay”she admits. “Because it’s very expensive for what it is. But if you don’t pay, last time I got a fine of €30. No, now, I think I’m not going to play anymore because €30 , it’s expensive!”

People with disabilities have the right to free parking with the Parking Inclusion Mobility Card (CMI-S). So that they are not unduly verbalized, the town hall asks them to register online or at the parking reception desk at city hall.

The LAPI vehicle focuses on paid parking only. He does not perform no control over prohibited, inconvenient or dangerous parking.



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