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“We stick together”, the co-defendants supported by their partners

The Mazan rape trial resumed this Monday, September 30. And to open this fifth week of hearing, the court will hear the companions and wives of 50 co-defendantssome having been present since the start of the trial. Aged between 26 and 74, most of them are on trial for rape.

Monday morning, the court will examine the personality and the battered life journey of Thierry P., a mason from . “We’re still dating today. we stick together and try to move forward after that“, explains his ex-wife, on the stand.

This fifty-year-old is accused of having raped Gisèle Pelicot in July 2020. The man was then plunged into a period of alcoholism after losing his son in a car accident, four years previously. Since his release from pre-trial detention, he has been staying with his daughter, who describes a “great father”, “always there for his children”who “never harmed” him.

Before leaving the bar, his ex-partner sends a word to Gisèle Pelicot. “I have a thought for Madam, I don’t understand how this could have happened”she says. “When you think about it, you say it’s hot. But I have to support him to help him get through it.”

Like her, the ex-wives and partners are incomprehensible and resentful, but support their husbands in the face of the judges. They try to explain that their companion or ex-companion are not monsters.

This Monday, the trial resumed without the main accused, Dominique Pelicotabsent due to health reasons. The 71-year-old retiree must undergo medical intervention, explained the president of the Vaucluse criminal court.

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