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Val-d’Oise. A new bicycle parking lot in one of the busiest stations in Île-de-


Daniel Chollet

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 1:02 p.m.
; updated September 30, 2024 at 1:09 p.m.

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It is one of the busiest stations in Île-de-. In 2022, according to SNCF estimates, the annual attendance at - station (RER C, line H, line J) is 21,728,297 travelers.

The bicycle parking lot is already full. (©Val Parisis Agglo.)

Commissioned since the end of July and recently inaugurated, the new bicycle parking lot at Ermont-Eaubonne station (Val-d’Oise) located on the Nelson-Mandela esplanade has 90 spaces. It is accessible 24/7.

Previously municipal, the bicycle locker is now managed by the Val Parisis urban community. It has become a real Île-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking lot, it contains 96 secure spaces.

Free for Navigo Pass holders

The places are video protected, sheltered and free for holders of a Navigo subscription (Navigo annual, monthly, senior, Imagine R). More than 70% financed by Île-de-France Mobilités (Idfm) which transformed the old bicycle locker.

Philippe Rouleau, administrator of Île-de-France Mobilités, inaugurated the bicycle parking alongside Xavier Haquin, Marie-José Beaulande and Noellie Plelan. ©Idfm.
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The Île-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking master plan, adopted in 2020, provides for the creation of 100,000 spaces in stations by 2030 and 40,000 additional spaces near the stations of the new metro lines currently being implemented. realization (lines 15, 16, 17 and 18).

Equip all stations

“This project is part of the ambition of Île-de-France Mobilités to equip 100% of Ile-de-France stations with secure bicycle parking,” underlines Philippe Rouleau, administrator of Idfm, mayor of and vice-president of the Departmental council.

The elected official, vice-president of the Val Parisis conurbation, recalls the actions carried out by Val Parisis to develop two-wheelers: bicycle workshops in stations, purchasing assistance for electrically assisted bicycles, etc.

“Since its opening, it has been full”

“It’s important that we can offer this service. Moreover, since its opening, it has been full. This means that there is a need and this need as mayor of Ermont, I see it through the increase in requests for cycle paths, which we have done,” underlined Xavier Haquin, mayor of Ermont and departmental advisor.


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