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The largest photovoltaic park in the metropolis expected in 2028

A photovoltaic power plant will be built from 2027 in Rillieux-la-Pape, thus becoming the largest solar park in the metropolitan area.

Four hectares, 6,968 solar panels. By 2028, the Lyon Metropolis should have a new photovoltaic park in Rillieux-la-Pape. Which will then become the largest power plant of this type in the Lyon metropolitan area. The area now has twelve (Hôtel de la Métropole, Musée des Confluences, etc.).

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This Monday, September 30, the Metropolis also announced that it had appointed the company CVE to build and operate this future park. It will be a 30% shareholder in the project company. And this, “in order to maximize benefits for the territory“, she specifies in a press release.

The park will be installed on the former Rillieux-la-Pape technical landfill center. “The Metropolis of Lyon continues to lead the way in renewable energies, transforming a former landfill into a productive and virtuous site for the ecological transition“, rejoices Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro, deputy vice-president for climate and energy.

Supply of 1,000 homes per year

Also, these installations of photovoltaic panels meet the objective of the Metropolis. It wants to achieve, by 2026, a production of 245 GWh/year of solar electricity. The plant is expected to produce enough to power nearly 1,000 homes each year.

For his part, Sylvain Legrand, general director of CVE Solar, praises this project for its “valorization of unexploited artificial land“, in “decentralized green electricity production“or even its”exemplary local consultation which will involve citizens, who will also be able to participate in the project and invest their savings in it“.

Note that a redistribution of profits in favor of local initiatives is planned in the event of profitability greater than expected. This project represents an investment of 4.5 million euros, including 220,000 euros from the pockets of the Métropole de Lyon. Finally, the operating life for the CVE company is 30 years.

Read also: The Lyon Metropolis invests in the local economy


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