DayFR Euro

September 2024 was the rainiest month in in 25 years

“There is excess rainfall over almost the entire country,” with the exception of three areas, Météo- said.

September 2024 was the month of September “the wettest in 25 years” in France, with “nearly 60%” quantity of rain above normal, Météo-France announced on Monday.

In terms of temperatures, despite “feeling of freshness”the national average in September was “close to normal” of season, being only 0.4°C lower than the average for the period 1991-2020, added the meteorological observatory. September 2023 was the hottest ever measured in the country (+3.6°C above normal).

“With a rainfall excess of almost 60% compared to 1991-2020 normals (119 mm), September 2024 becomes the wettest month of September in 25 years”behind the 130 mm recorded on average in September 1999, according to the monthly climate bulletin.

Exceptions in southern , Languedoc and Roussillon

“There is excess rainfall over almost the entire country” et “even reached more than double the normal in New Aquitaine, in the Massif Central, the Basin, the Channel coasts, as well as in the Northern Alps and in the north of Corsica”note Météo-France.

rain-flood alerts have been triggered in Corsica, Seine-et- and the Alps, among others. At the beginning of September, the Aspe valley (Pyrénées-Atlantique) was seriously affected by flooding while the Alpes-Maritimes suffered a Mediterranean episode, pouring a month and a half of rain in 24 hours on towns like Fréjus or Mandelieu-la- Napoule.

“Only the south of Brittany, Languedoc and Roussillon have a rainfall deficit”particularly marked in the Pyrénées-Orientales (-30%), with a very serious precipitation deficit for more than two years.


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