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local Auboise specialties to absolutely try during your visit

Our department of Aube is rich, both culturally and gastronomically. So at the beginning of May with the arrival of sunny days we are going to take advantage of the public holidays to go for a walk. Whether you are local or tourist, the editorial staff of L’Instant Troyen has put together a selection of the gastronomic specialties of Aube. To discover or to rediscover.

The unmissable andouillette of Troyes

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The famous andouillette of Troyes is what we are famous for. Whether we like it or not, we cannot deny it, it is the specialty of charcutiers. Real andouillette is an artisanal product made from pork. As summer approaches, you can enjoy it cold as an aperitif or cook it on the barbecue. The best andouillettes are adorned with the 5A issued by the Association Amicale des Amateurs d’Andouillette Authentique. Don’t hesitate to visit Maury, the world champion of andouillette!

Chaource, a cheese better known than its village

Chaource, a pretty little village a few kilometers from Troyes, is best known for its cheese of the same name. Chaource (AOP) is a soft cheese with a bloomy rind. Obtained from cow’s milk, it delights our taste buds. With sweet and fruity flavors you can enjoy it with seeded bread for example. You can buy it at the Mussy cheese factory in Chaource or at the Pouillot cheese factory which also sells it online for those who are not there.

Sauerkraut, the comforting Aubois dish


And yes, Aube is the 2nd largest cabbage producer in France. In fact, 1/4 of French production is made in Aube. Enough to enjoy these cultures by adapting the traditional Alsatian sauerkraut to local fashion, namely with champagne. It is also the emblematic recipe of the Laurent choucrouterie in Blignicourt. The cabbage grown around Brienne-le-Château has even had its festival during a weekend for almost 65 years.

The apple of Troyes


A liqueur made from sloe stones and which follows a very specific process with double distillation, Prunelle is a must. Its production takes place in the Cellier Saint-Pierre distillery, and its recipe is kept secret. You can visit the distillery every Friday afternoon opposite the Cathedral. Take the opportunity to grab a bottle, to enjoy as a digestif, with frozen nougat or as a trou champenois.

One of the best chocolates

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It’s not the chocolate that comes from Troyes, but we have the pastry chef who undoubtedly makes the best pralines in the world. Pascal Caffet, best worker in France Pâtisserie and world champion of dessert professions, treats us. In honor of the city of Troyes and its emblematic alley of cats, you can taste the Troyes p’tits chats box. Find the Caffet house in Les Ecrevolles, on the market or in its boutique on rue de la currency.


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