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Gault& 2025 is out of the press

The 2025 ranking of the Gault& guide fell on Monday. 880 addresses, including 96 new restaurants, were listed in the work. In Neuchâtel, 20 establishments are listed by the gastronomic guide in its ranking. La Croisette in Le Locle is the best cantonal representative with a score of 16 points out of 20. A title that the Mère Commune restaurant shared until Monday with the La Maison du Prussien restaurant. However, in the new version of the Gault&Millau ranking, the establishment located in Neuchâtel has had one point removed and now has a total of 15. O’terroirs, the stall at the Beau-Rivage hotel in Neuchâtel, must also deal with one point less, his total having gone from 15 to 14 points.

Three new addresses

Les Six-Communes in Môtiers, la Voile in Neuchâtel and la Luciole in La Chaux-de-Fonds have entered this ranking. The first two cities obtain 12 points while the restaurant of the Watchmaking Metropolis is awarded 13 points by the gastronomic guide. At the national level, the Gault&Millau guide crowns the German-Italian Marco Campanella as “Chef of the Year”. /dpi-gtr



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