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mice create fear in a Lidl which must close

The Lidl in Gäbelbach in Bern was closed for several days.Image: telebärn

A Bernese store affected by a mouse infestation had to close for several days.

Lidl customers in the Gäbelbach district of Bern already found themselves in front of a closed door last week. This week, the store also remained closed twice. A resident writes:

“The windows were covered with plastic film and people were whispering that there was an invasion of mice”

Mouse issues fixed

Indeed, the Lidl in Gäbelbach was fighting against mice, as Lidl Switzerland spokesperson Sandro Kissayi confirms:

“We very much regret having to briefly close the branch. We place food safety and hygiene for our customers at the top of our priorities.”

Together with external pest control specialists, Lidl completely emptied the store and cleaned it intensively – which is usual in such situations. Those who work in the food sector are prepared for such situations and can take action quickly.

“We deeply regret the circumstances and the inconvenience caused to our customers in Gäbelbach”

Sandro Kissayi

In total, the store was closed for three days due to the situation. The mouse problem has since been resolved. Normal opening hours are maintained.

(loss) (

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(Translated and adapted by Chiara Lecca)

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