DayFR Euro

We don’t work enough”

Europe 1
9:55 a.m., September 30, 2024

According to Nicolas Sarkozy, exceptional guest of Europe 1 and CNews, we do not work enough in . The former President of the Republic also estimated that the 35 hours, which he regularly spoke out against, were not always served.

Do we work enough in France? For Nicolas Sarkozy, exceptional guest on Europe 1 and CNews this Monday, the answer is no. “France’s economic problem is simple: we don’t work enough,” declared the former President of the Republic who always opposed the 35-hour reform passed by Lionel Jospin’s government in 2000.

“I cut 150,000 civil servant positions, I was insulted for that”

According to him, this lack of work is visible “in companies” but also in “administrations” where, he assures, these famous 35 hours, which he is against, “are not worked”. Nicolas Sarkozy also criticizes too many civil servants in France, “5.7 million”, he says.

“Of all the presidents of the Fifth Republic, only one reduced the number of civil servants. I cut 150,000 positions, I was insulted for that. Do you know that since 1997, France has had 1 million additional civil servants. How long are we going to continue?” declared the former president.


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