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“Poverty is less visible in rural areas but it exists. » The Envole roof Sud- association helps the homeless

It’s time to prepare the food packages at the association’s headquarters, route de Bazas in Langon.

A. D.

The Envole roof association blew out its first candle a few days ago. Around 100 people have been supported since the launch of this solidarity adventure. “Great poverty is much less visible in rural areas than in cities, but it exists. Some people do not dare to open the door of institutions or charitable associations. So we go to meet them,” reveals the Langonnaise who makes her garage available to organize the logistics of social marauding.

« Merci »

Saturday September 28, five volunteers sort the food collected upstream from Aldi and Biocoop. “There are also vegetables from our solidarity vegetable garden located in Loupiac and donations from individuals and the Poulette et Compagnie association. The latter provides the kibble for the beneficiaries’ dogs,” thanks Elsa Laborde. Fruits, vegetables, hygiene products, pasta, preserves and even fresh hazelnuts picked up in Barie. Around fifty volunteers take care of distributions, several times a week, throughout South .

Elsa Laborde (center) is the president of the Envole roof association.

A. D.

The circuit of the first car: Langon and Saint-Maixant. That of the second: Saint-André-du-, La Réole and Gironde-sur-Dropt. President Elsa Laborde and the association’s godmother Catherine Baudry will meet at Parc des Vergers at 6:30 p.m. with Michel (1). His daughter lives in the area but the fifty-year-old has been living in a tent for six months. “I hate hanging out at other people’s houses. I found a little nook protected from the rain. I can use my stove here. » The volunteers check in on him. They talk about his future alcohol detoxification treatment. Michel reassures them, reassures himself. He sums up his last few weeks of hardship. His face finally lights up: “Thank you for what you do. I will be able to last a few days thanks to these provisions. »

Some find a roof

Second stopover at the Snow White Wood parking lot. Jean-Michel looks like he’s had a bad day; he cracked three ribs a few days earlier. “I also have pancreatitis. I left the hospital without the doctors’ approval. » The living forces of Envole roof give him provisions and promise to bring him a t-shirt and pairs of socks next time.

We were told about your association while begging in front of Lidl. Thank you for what you do

The other crate is intended for a group of young adventurers who are harvesting in a château in Sauternes. “We haven’t received our pay yet. We have to eat. We were told about your association while begging in front of Lidl. Thank you for what you do. »

The homeless live in squats, trucks and tents in discreet places, like here at Parc des Vergers in Langon.

A. D.

The third stage is located near the Saint-Maixant cemetery. Jean-Luc lost his job and lives “like a pirate” in his truck which no longer starts. Return to headquarters a little before 8 p.m. “We are going to celebrate the birthday of a beneficiary whom we have helped for several months. He ended up finding an apartment,” smiles President Elsa Laborde. Street stories usually end badly. But with the help of Envole roof, some people are redeploying their wings.

Fresh products are also distributed in solidarity crates.

A. D.

To become a volunteer for the association or benefit from the maraudes: [email protected] or the Facebook page of the Envole Toit Sud-Gironde association. Donation on Helloasso.


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