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“We relive the real era of the -Dakar”: legendary cars and motorcycles brought the legendary rally back to life in Sète

After a departure from on Saturday, the drivers, former Dakar riders and rally enthusiasts, arrived yesterday evening at the Théâtre de la mer.

“It’s very moving to do this journey again with all my comrades.” Martine Rénier nonetheless displays a broad smile as she parks her Toyota BJ43 in the Théâtre de la mer parking lot. Yesterday, at the end of the day, the site welcomed around sixty cars and motorcycles after a 970 km crossing through . Sète was in fact the arrival point of a two-day journey, departing from Versailles, in the footsteps of the pioneers of the -Dakar. The first edition of these “Routes of legends” intended to retrace the route of these vehicles crossing France, via the Nationale 20, to reach Sète and board a ship, heading to Africa. A tradition from Sète which disappeared in 1988, leaving many nostalgic on the sidelines.

The public along the N 20

This is evidenced by the number of people who came yesterday evening, despite the late and sparse arrival of vehicles. All along the route, for two days, there were also many members of the public who wanted to admire this parade. “It was incredible, even in places where we weren’t supposed to stop, people were there and welcomed us. I’m amazed to see so much enthusiasm. It shows that it was a concept which pleased and which still pleases”confides Martine Rénier. She participated in the first editions of the Paris-Dakar. It was only from the second year that the pilots began to descend to Sète via the N 20, to the detriment of and the N 7. “There were welcomes like today”assures the one who is also known as “Tintin”.

She remembers these first rallies “where there was a lot of resourcefulness, mutual assistance. We never left anyone behind”. And to evoke the nights at minus two degrees “in the stones”, or this first edition where, due to lack of stewardship, the participants “didn’t eat anything” and where she ended up losing 5 kilos. Always passionate, she would not have missed this “Route of Legends” for anything in the world. For the occasion, she took the wheel of this Toyota, with which Thierry Sabine (founder of the Paris-Dakar) won the race in 1978. “This car is historic, if it could talk…”breathes, amused, Martine Rénier.

“We relive the real era”

The latter is one of the legends of the Dakar, assure Sylvie Godest and Bruno Amiot. This Breton couple took part in the “Route of Legends”, aboard the replica of the Range Rover that won the 1981 edition. He lived in Senegal when he was younger and saw the drivers arrive. She would see them pass along the N 20 every Christmas. “There, we relive the real era, it’s great. We are in a cocoon, with Dakar enthusiasts, motor sports enthusiasts, there is a real sharing”enthuses the couple who intend, one day, to also participate in the legendary rally.



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