DayFR Euro

Potential savings of 13.1 billion for the cantons

The SlowUp season in Switzerland ended this Sunday, during the cycling world championships in Zurich. The 18 courses attracted 402,000 people, according to the umbrella organization, a decline since the resumption of demonstrations after the interruption due to Covid.

The attendance was still 412,000 last year and 432,000 in 2022. But this type of event is highly dependent on the weather, which “is and will remain the greatest factor of influence on the number of people participants”, confirms Christian Friker, director of slowUp Switzerland cited in the association’s press release.

At the start of the season, the weather was mostly humid and it was quite cold. Several hot weeks followed in summer, but they often ended with a rainy Sunday. At the end of the summer, a few beautiful days nevertheless allowed us to end on a positive note, recalls the director.

And the latter added that “the regional organizers are now very experienced, and can make short-term arrangements, that is to say providing showers in the event of a heatwave or protective tents in the event of rain. As Always, everything went well.”

The 24th slowUp season ended on Sunday in Zurich with the participation of 27,000 young and old cycling enthusiasts. Since April, by bike, on rollers, on a scooter, in a fancy vehicle and on foot in total, amateur sportsmen and women have been offered 672 km of roads without motor vehicles and well secured, writes the SlowUp Switzerland association. in a press release.

1000 repairs

And to cite the highlight of June 30, on the occasion of slowUp Jura which organized the 300th free discovery day. Discovering a region for a whole day in a festive atmosphere and with sheer muscle power: this concept has been working for 24 years in Switzerland and has also become well established in neighboring .

The association further highlights the participation of the numerous partners who organized all kinds of activities alongside the slowUp. As well as that of the essential services offered by the three national partners. Throughout the season, Rent a Bike has made its varied fleet of rental bikes available, which has been heavily used.

In collaboration with the Cerebral Foundation, special vehicles for people with disabilities have also been rented to most slowUps, and wheelchair accessible toilets co-financed. And at the Bike World Help Points located along the routes, 9,000 tires were inflated and around 1,000 repairs were carried out on bicycles and rollerblades.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats


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