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this poultry breeder talks about his passion for his profession


Vitré editorial team

Published on

September 29, 2024 at 4:20 p.m.

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“One day, I went to buy a guinea fowl from Olivier Breton in Gennes-sur-Seiche and by talking with him, I bought back his business,” present, laughing Quentin Houdeline, the boss of Poultry Pertraises in Pertre (Ille-et-Vilaine).

Passion since childhood

“I have been passionate about birds since childhood, in particular I raised ornamental chickens with which I won competitions. Then in 2018, I set up as a broiler poultry breeder, on the farm which has belonged to my family for 4 generations, my parents have been dairy producers for 38 years. I had three buildings built to launch my outdoor breeding activity, without GMOs or antibiotics. »

“I’m really into animal welfare”

The poultry arrive at the farm one day old and take advantage of the two hectares of grassy land on which they can roam peacefully.

The chickens are labeled and can be slaughtered at 81 days but Quentin pushes them up to 110/120 days, for the reds, in order to offer a better tasting quality of meat.

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As for guinea fowl ready from 90 days, they are raised for up to 150 days.

“I mainly raise white and red chickens and guinea fowl available for sale ready to cook from January to March then from May to July and from September to November which I sell only on the farm or via works councils for bulk orders. For the end of the year I offer festive poultry such as black turkeys, capons and caponed guinea fowl,” says Quentin Houdeline.

Animal welfare

Finally, the passionate breeder explains his working method.

“I’m really in the animal welfare. I wanted to limit the stress of transport and it was by meeting Olivier Breton, who was looking for a buyer for his direct sales business, so that he could retire, that I took the plunge. I bought his business, his equipment and his employees in November 2022 and I had a laboratory built on my farm which has been open for sale since January. »

Quentin Houdeline adds: “It’s a pleasure to bring customers to the farm, we can talk and I have direct feedback. Customer contact and relationships are important to me. And with inflation, direct selling makes it possible to reduce costs and control prices which are more accessible to the consumer. »

Information and orders via the website:, tel: 06 88 44 12 26 and Facebook: Les Volailles Pertraises.

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