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Kick-off of “The Morocco Classic” Rally

Organized by the Old Car Club of Tangier, this sporting event, which brings together 40 participants and 50 classic cars dating from 1914 to the 1970s, aims to bring these old cars back to life and promote them as true works of art, whose value continues to increase over time.

In this regard, the President of the Club, Mohammed Laaroussi, underlined that “this event is in addition to the numerous events that the club has been organizing for years in partnership with our friends from several countries”.

“We are considering organizing other editions in the future, with a view to the Kingdom hosting the 2030 World Cup, alongside Spain and Portugal, in order to give greater visibility to this demonstration and to our country in general, under the High Patronage of King Mohammed VI, and to further promote the image of Morocco,” confided Mr. Laaroussi.

“For decades, particularly in the 1950s, old cars were numerous in Morocco, before their number decreased with the departure of foreigners who resided in the Kingdom. We therefore worked for their recovery, because they constitute a civilizational heritage,” he said. For his part, Ahmed Zouiten, a participant from Fez, said that this edition is a “celebration of the old car in Morocco by enthusiasts and lovers of classic cars”.

He further noted that this sporting event is an “opportunity to highlight the cultural heritage of the Kingdom through this passion, by allowing participants to discover the tourist and cultural potential of several Moroccan cities”.

As for Mohamed Hamdani, a member of the Moroccan community residing in the United States, he expressed his joy at having come specially to participate in this sporting and tourist event, noting that this rally is “a unique opportunity for visitors to different countries to discover this type of car and the tourist attractions of Tangier and Morocco in general.”

This rally, which takes place from September 28 to October 5, attracted participants from Europe, the United States and Latin America for a journey to discover the beauty of the cities of Chefchaouen, Fez, Saïdia, Nador, Al Hoceïma and Tetouan, before returning to Tangier.


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