DayFR Euro

In the middle of the countryside, Albert Rösti’s services are slow to publish a report on the cost of transport –

The impact of transport on the environment and health has been largely underestimated in Switzerland. This is what leaked official federal documents show. Under the aegis of DETEC and Albert Rösti, the Federal Office for Territorial Development (ARE) is said to have dragged its feet in not publishing these figures before the vote on November 24 on the extension of the motorways.

The Confederation probably did not want to publish these new figures before the vote on November 24 on the extension of the motorway network. The Federal Office for Territorial Development writes it in black and white: “Publication before November 24 would not be appropriate.”

The “external cost of transport” – “external” because not paid by users – would in fact be 70% higher than previous estimates, with 11 billion francs in additional costs.

The RTS was able to consult the documents in question. The reason given to justify their non-disclosure: these figures are highly anticipated and complex, so careful communication should be ensured.


The administration wanted to wait until December and the publication of the report from the Statistical Office on transport costs and financing. A joint communication would have put the updated estimate of external transport costs into a broader context.

Questioned on several points of these documents by the RTS, the Federal Office for Territorial Development gave only one answer: “The publication ‘External costs of transport’ will appear in October”.

No details or explanations were given, despite an obvious turnaround. The administration will thus publish figures in October that it did not want to publish until after November 24. This turnaround could be explained by political and media pressure.

Political calculation?

Indeed, two weeks ago, at the National Council, a Green elected official showed his impatience. He reminded Albert Rösti that figures on external transport costs were usually published between June and August. Since then, several media outlets have investigated these delays. The online media had already accused Albert Rösti of withholding a report on biodiversity before the vote on September 22.

Following articles in the NZZ am Sonntag and Le Temps, the referendums opposed to the extension of the motorways have launched a petition in which they ask to recalculate, in the light of new data, the costs and benefits of the planned motorway projects .

Albert Rösti’s services could ultimately have considered that it was better to publish this data before the vote rather than being accused of withholding information by the opposing camp.

New battle of numbers in sight

However, if the external costs generated by the car would increase by 60% with the new calculation method, this would also be the case for the train. The reasons for these new estimates are therefore not yet clear. We would need the full report to judge the effect of these updated figures on the vote.

>> Listen to the debate between Brenda Tuosto and Xavier De Haller in Forum:

Do the new figures on transport costs call into question the extension of motorways? Debate between Brenda Tuosto and Xavier De Haller / Forum / 7 min. / today at 6:07 p.m.

Opponents will thus be able to examine the report from all angles in October. But they won’t be the only ones. In the NZZ am Sonntag, an economics professor also criticizes the way of calculating the external costs of transport. He believes that these calculations would unfairly disadvantage… the car.

After the votes on the AVS and the 2nd pillar, the vote on the motorways could therefore also give rise to yet another battle of numbers.

Romain Carrupt, Céline Fontannaz

Adaptation web: Julien Furrer


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