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Anticor 56 takes legal action regarding the tourist office

On July 10, Anticor 56 filed a report with the Public Prosecutor against the Vannes tourist office (Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme, GMVT), indicates a press release dated Saturday September 29. The association, which fights against corruption and for ethics in politics, highlights possible crimes of “favoritism and misappropriation of public funds through negligence” within the public establishment, particularly between 2018 and 2022.

Contracts without call for tenders

Anticor 56 alerts in particular on contracts awarded without a call for tenders, representing significant amounts: €1.5 million for document design and printing services and nearly €300,000 for display and creation services. website and IT maintenance. Likewise, the creation of a sports course (€99,035 excluding VAT) would not have been preceded by a public order.

This report goes hand in hand with a report from the Court of Auditors, published in December 2023, which reveals a certain number of failures within GMVT: purchases made by the public establishment between January 2017 and June 2022 would have been incurred by the director when only the management committee was authorized to do so. “This systematic failure of the management committee reflects a negligence of the fifteen local elected officials, some experienced, who sat during the 23 sessions held during the control period” indicates the report.

Transformation into a Local Public Company in 2022

In the report, Anticor specifically targets Roland Tabard, mayor of Arzon, president of the establishment during the period concerned, now deceased, Arnaud Burel, director of the establishment, as well as all the members of the Board of Directors from the tourist office.

However, the association welcomes the transformation, since July 1, 2022, of GMVT into a Local Public Company (SPL), now chaired by David Robo, mayor of Vannes. The latter is committed to management in accordance with the rules of public procurement. However, Anticor questions the collective responsibility of elected officials still in office in the new structure.

The file is now in the hands of the public prosecutor, who will have to determine whether legal proceedings will be initiated.


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