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For the Pope, doctors performing abortions are “hired killers”: “You cannot debate it”

In his papal plane heading to Rome, Pope Francis spoke about tensions in the Middle East, but also reversed his positions on abortion.

As usual, the Pope spoke on his plane, as he returned to Rome after his 4-day stay in our country. The sovereign pontiff returned to the place of women in society and his positions on abortion.

King Baudouin was courageous, because faced with a murderous law, he did not sign it and he resigned. It takes courage, doesn’t it? You need some in your pants to do that, don’t you? It takes courage“, he explained, before returning to his outing at UCLouvain, where he explained that, according to him, “a woman who tries to be a man is ugly“. “Exaggerated feminism, which means that the woman is masculinist, is not okay. One thing is masculinism, which is wrong, another is feminism, which is wrong“.

Then, the pope again positioned himself against abortion, in rather harsh terms. “The doctors who do this are, if I may say so, hitmen. They are hitmen. And you cannot argue about that: you are killing a human life. Women have the right to protect life. Birth control is another thing, don’t mix it up. I’m just now talking about abortion. You can’t debate that, I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.”

“Morality to be respected”

Subsequently, Pope Francis on Sunday castigated an “immoral” use of force in Lebanon and Gaza, appearing to call on Israel to exercise restraint.

Asked, on board the plane bringing him back from Belgium, about the consequences for civilians of Israeli strikes in Lebanon and Gaza, he replied: “A country which, with force, acts thus, whatever the country which acts in such a superlative manner, (lends itself to) immoral actions”.

Even for war, there is a morality to respect“, he continued. “War is immoral, but the rules of war indicate a certain morality, but when that is not the case, then you see – we say it in Argentina – the ‘bad blood’ of these things. Defense must always be proportional to attack. When this is not the case, a dominating tendency appears that goes beyond morality.

Pope Lebanon Israel


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