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Short film prizes were awarded to ISMAC students as part of the 3rd edition of the MedFilm Festival in Morocco

The ceremony took place in a room occupied by ISMAC students who came to attend in large numbers. For the first time in the history of the MedFilm Festival, a prize intended for young cinema talents, called the MedFilm Festival Prize, was awarded, offering unprecedented recognition to promising young directors.

This 3th edition thus marks an important step in the promotion of emerging voices in Moroccan cinema.

Out of six candidates, three winners were rewarded for their short films, thanks to works that were both poignant and innovative. These rewards were accompanied by a financial envelope.

The winning works, elected by a jury composed of cinema professionals Tarek Ben Abdallah, Esmeralda Calabria and Gianfranco Pannone, are as follows:

  • 1is price (2,500 euros): Anas Bouzammour pour Living
  • 2th price (1,500 euros): Ibrahim Benjaber pour A Day or Part of the Day
  • 3rd prize (1,000 euros): Soufien Salamat pour Soul Balance

The other three participants in the competition were Omar Zaafoui with My Friend Seddik, Hamza Benwakrim with Ali et Ibtissam Idrissi with Shifting Sand.

Present on this occasion, His Excellency Armando Barucco, Ambassador of Italy to Morocco, underlined the importance of this initiative, stating: “This edition of the MedFilm Festival in Rabat is a true celebration of dialogue between cultures. The talent of young Moroccan filmmakers, whom we have the honor of rewarding, testifies to the immense potential for collaboration between our two countries. These artistic initiatives strengthen the ties that unite us and create lasting cultural bridges. »

Esmeralda Calabria said: “I noticed that Moroccan youth are trying to find an expressive and artistic voice. »

Masterclasses led during this festival by Gianfranco Pannone and Tarek Ben Abdallah on the one hand, and Esmeralda Calabria on the other, were an opportunity for students to ask questions and learn more. Gianfranco Pannone also estimated on this subject: “During the masterclass, I received your questions and they were very interesting”he added: “Regarding the short films that we had the pleasure of watching, they were very beautiful. I really appreciated the depth and homage to your history and tradition. »

Camella Callea, Director and Cultural Affairs Officer of the Italian Cultural Institute of Rabat, expressed her admiration for these young talents: “The MedFilm Festival offers a unique platform to young Moroccan filmmakers, bringing them international visibility and a chance to contribute to cultural rapprochement between the two shores of the Mediterranean. »

Please note that the winner of the first prize will have the honor of participating in the competition for the Methexis Prize during the 30th edition of the MedFilm Festival in Rome, from November 7 to 17, 2024.

Hakim Belabbes, Director of ISMAC, proudly expressed the importance of this achievement: “Our young filmmakers are true ambassadors of our identity and our cultural diversity. Their future is bright. »

In the same vein, Ms. Ginella Vocca, founding president and artistic director of the MedFilm Festival, added: “We are delighted to celebrate the talent of young Moroccan filmmakers. This prize crowns their work and opens a new stage in their career, by offering them international perspectives. »

The MedFilm Festival, organized for the third time in Rabat, is a prelude to the celebration of its 30th edition, which will be held in Rome from November 7 to 17. With its rich programming, this edition, supported by the Italian Embassy in Morocco and the Italian Cultural Institute of Rabat (ICI), stood out for its commitment to promoting Mediterranean and European cinema.

The 3th edition of the MedFilm Festival in Morocco takes place from September 25 to 29 in the capital, it will then move to Tangier from October 2 to 5.


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