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SENEGAL-TIC / The AIIA ready to support the “digitalization of procedures and services to users” – Senegalese press agency

Saly, September 29 (APS) – The Association of Computer Administration Engineers (AIIA) of Senegal, a non-profit association created in August 1998, announced on Saturday in Saly (Mbour, west) its desire to support the State in its new strategy of digitalization of administration services, noted the APS.

”With the advent of a systemic transformation project in Senegal, driven by the new political authorities, and the ambition of the authorities to place digital technology at the heart of their vision, the AIIA deemed it appropriate to make its contribution to the development of a new digital transformation strategy for administration services that meets the government’s ambitions,” declared Zakaria Diallo, president of the AIIA.

The computer engineer and technical advisor to the President of the Republic in charge of digital technology took part in the sharing workshop on the modernization of the administration under the theme: ”Digitalization of procedures and services to users”.

According to him, ”the conclusions resulting from our work will be well analyzed and taken into account in the new strategy of the project for the digitalization of administrative processes and the promotion of the digital economy in Senegal”.
Present at this meeting, the digital and cybersecurity technical advisor to the Minister of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Affairs, recalled “the strategic axes set out by the new authorities and on which we must work to make digital contribute to the economic development of our country”.

”The challenges are also to address digital governance through a framework that exists and to see with the actors how to improve it,” underlined Idy Thiam, who came to represent Minister Aliou Sall.

The Association of Administration Computer Engineers has in its ranks members spread across all branches of the administration with the mission of listing the needs, expectations, difficulties and issues of the digitalization of user services.




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