DayFR Euro

: a 17-year-old stabbed to death leaving a nightclub

A young man aged 17 died this Sunday after being stabbed in Subles (), southwest of Bayeux, outside a nightclub. According to the public prosecutor, Joël Garrigue, who confirmed the information from 3 to AFP, a suspect was arrested. This man, aged around twenty, was taken into custody by the gendarmes.

According to Ouest-France, the gendarmes of the Bayeux company were called to the scene around 6:45 a.m. by the firefighters, citing a victim who had received a stab wound to the throat. They remained there until late morning. According to France 3 Normandie, which cites the management of the nightclub, the fatal stabbing “would have been given during a fight between the victim and another individual in the parking lot”, when the establishment closed. around 5:30 a.m.

No motive has been given, the investigation is ongoing. In this nightclub, like every month, a “Single” evening was organized, consisting of those present wearing a colored bracelet depending on whether they were alone, looking for a one-night stand or not available.

The victim was, according to Ouest-France, a high school student in Saint-Lô (Manche).


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