DayFR Euro

Nador.. Arrest of a person involved in identity theft and fraud

Heba Presse: Oujda

Saturday September 28, agents of the regional security police of the city of Nador, in light of precise information provided by the general intelligence services, were able to arrest a person suspected of being involved in the commission of crimes of fraud and identity theft regulated by law.

According to well-informed sources, the suspect posed as officials of judicial and military institutions, to deceive the victims and steal sums of money from them, under the pretext of intervening in their favor to cancel related administrative decisions. to reconstruction, in addition to making false promises to reduce legal sanctions.

The research and investigations carried out, according to the same sources, made it possible to identify the suspect and arrest him. The inspection procedures also resulted in the discovery in his possession of a set of documents and documents suspected to be fake, in addition to documents. electronic devices that may be used to facilitate the commission of this criminal activity.

Furthermore, the suspect was subjected to a judicial investigation supervised by the competent public prosecutor’s office, in order to determine the remaining possible extensions of this criminal activity, as well as to reveal all criminal acts attributed to the person concerned.


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