DayFR Euro

The big revelation of Fadilou Keïta, DG of the CDC

The 94 billion affair will be put back on the table. It was the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), Fadilou Keïta who gave the information during the RFM Grand Jury program this Sunday. According to him, this affair will be dusted off because it involves public money.

The case of land title TF1451/R and 94 billion implicates the former director of estates, Mamour Diallo. And the current Prime Minister of Senegal, Ousmane Sonko had filed a complaint against the latter for an alleged embezzlement of 94 billion CFA francs.

In its report made public, the National Office for the Fight against Fraud and Corruption (Ofnac) estimated that “the investigations carried out made it possible to confirm almost all of the grievances raised by the complainant”, in this case Ousmane Sonko .

“All these violations of the regular procedure could suggest an unacknowledged desire of the officials concerned to obtain the maximum benefit for SOFICO and CFU in a second compensation procedure, while knowing that there was a first case of expropriation resulting in compensation in the amount of 605,853,850 CFA francs,” specifies the document.

The factual elements reported above could make it possible to retain the following offenses: criminal association, an act provided for and punished by articles 238 to 240 of the Penal Code; fraud involving public funds, an act provided for and punished by articles 152 to 154 of the Penal Code attempted fraud involving public funds complicity in fraud involving public funds.


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