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VIDEO. Tracked by hunters, the exhausted deer takes refuge near the police station and finally saves his life.

The scene was filmed on Saturday September 28 in Senlis, by members of the association Abolissons la vénérie today (AVA), opposed to the practice of hunting with hounds.

An exhausted deer, which was pursued by a hunting crew on Saturday September 28 in Senlis (Oise) was finally able to save its life, after taking refuge near the gendarmerie and being protected by onlookers, reveals the association Let’s Abolish the Hunting Today (AVA) of Chantilly, which fights against this hunting, which is very common in these forest areas.

The scene was filmed by the AVA association

Part of the scene was filmed and broadcast on the association’s Facebook account, which deplores the situation: “It’s only the 4th hound hunt of the season, and the chaos begins.”

The scene began in the morning in the forest of Pontarmé, from where the animal fled, tracked by dogs chasing it and by the hunters of the Rallye Trois Forêts: it then crossed a departmental road before wandering around the town of Senlis, where he ended up finding himself near the hospital center and the gendarmerie brigade.

Onlookers gathered on site

Many onlookers then gathered, and the gendarmes decided to secure the perimeter, to avoid any incident. The deer was then able to leave and return to the forest safe and sound.

“In accordance with the regulations concerning deer hunting, as soon as we arrive near an urbanized area we stop,” explained Bertrand Souplet, boatswain of the Rallye des Trois Forêts to Le Parisien. “Three dogs chased to the edge of the forest and were quickly caught as soon as I was warned.”

The hunting season opened on September 15 and will last until March 31, 2025.


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