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The strange back and forth around a federal report on mobility in Switzerland

Published on September 29, 2024 at 07:04.

Every year during the summer, the Federal Office for Territorial Development (ARE) releases a report on the “costs and external benefits of transport”. A document that measures the impact, positive or negative, of a particular mode of transport on society; Cycling, a healthy activity, helps reduce health costs while the car has no equal when it comes to speed in certain rural areas. In 2023, this report was published in August, the previous year at the end of June. In 2021, in July and previously in August. But this year, still nothing. The famous document is long overdue.

Albert Rösti, the federal councilor in charge of transport issues, would block its publication, believe several people who are part of the no camp to the project of extension of several motorway axes, including one between Le Vengeron (GE), Coppet and Nyon (VD), submitted to the people on November 24. The minister would like to delay it until after this fateful date. According to a screenshot of an AER document from a few weeks ago that Time was able to consult, the senior authorities of the AER are in fact considering not publishing it before the vote. “The ARE proposes to publish it from the following week,” we can read.

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