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The 26 executives who left Khalifa Sall joined Ousmane Sonko

After creating their Pacte party, the resigned executives of Taxawu Senegal support Pastef.

The 26 executives who resigned from Taxawu Senegal finally chose to support Pastef in the Legislative Elections.

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According to Bes-Bi, Made Codé Ndiaye and his comrades, who created the Party for Action, Convergence, Work and Equity (Pacte)/Siggil sa rew, believe that“in view of the national context marked by significant economic, political and social challenges, it is essential that the regime invested with the confidence of a large majority of the Senegalese people has the political means enabling it to properly undertake the promised reforms and necessary for the construction of a prosperous and equitable Senegal.

The former comrades of Khalifa Sall say to themselves “concerned about the importance, in this context, of political concordance between the Executive and the Legislative with a view to ensuring the institutional and political stability of the country” and call on their activists to support “massively the candidates who will be invested by the Pastef in their localities.

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