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Verdi, the guide puppy for the blind, eases tensions at school

He is four months old and has just started school at Eugène-Atget college. A little young? But Verdi – that’s his name – is not quite like the students, teachers or staff who attend the establishment. We are talking here about a golden retriever called to become a guide dog for disabled people. “To my knowledge, we are the only college, at least in , to welcome a dog in this way and permanently,” says Daniel Alonso, the principal education advisor (CPE) responsible for monitoring this initiative. So what is this puppy doing here?

The story began during the previous school year. “Every year, before the Christmas holidays, we organize a week of solidarity and fraternity, where we invite associations. And among these, there was the Grand Sud-Ouest Aliénor Guide Dogs association (1), which trains guide dogs given to visually impaired or blind people,” indicates Ouacila Hivert, the principal. A presence which aroused in Valérie Urruty, accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) within the Ulis section (children suffering from physical or psychological disorders), the desire to in turn become a foster family for a dog of the association, as part of the animal’s training. “I had never had a dog before, but I was really interested in getting involved for two years and helping the association,” she explains.

“It was unanimously appreciated by everyone: students, teachers, administrative staff”

Among the missions of host families is the socialization of the dog; which means being able to take it everywhere. This is how Valérie Urruty raised the possibility of having him with her at school with the very enthusiastic principal, who then relayed the request to the establishment and its authorities. “It was unanimously appreciated by everyone: students, teachers, administrative staff,” indicates Ouacila Hivert. The National Education hierarchy also found nothing to complain about: “The academic director found the project interesting and innovative. »

Transformed test

However, before moving on to realization, the Chiens guides d’Aliénor association first wanted to try the experiment, at the end of last year, with a dog at the end of training, Ulysse, to judge the real validity of the project. A transformed essay, which therefore led to the definitive integration of Verdi within the Eugène-Atget college from September. And the least we can say is that the puppy quickly became the star and mascot of the establishment: “During each outing in the yard, during recess, everyone wants to pet him,” testifies Valérie Urruty .

In class or at the CDI, Verdi is never far from the students.

D. F.

But Verdi is not there to be a cuddly toy. With Valérie Urruty, he accompanies the 15 students of the Ulis section, particularly when they go to the classes during the various inclusion lessons: “We stay with them in the class and, after sniffing, Verdi ends up going to bed . I just tell the kids to close their bags and be careful of what they drop on the floor. And when I feel him starting to get agitated, I take him out. » A reassuring presence in the class – “we don’t stop them from caressing him” – but also outside.

A mediator dog

Because if the puppy can help the children in the section with their problems, he can also play the role of mediator between them and the other students in the establishment. “During recess, I noticed that the children in Ulis class tended to keep to themselves, that their group was isolated from the others. Verdi can be the link between the students, contact is made through his presence. In addition, for him, all children are the same, there is no difference,” underlines Valérie Urruty.

The AESH also tested this role of animal mediation on another child who was visibly afraid of dogs: “While all the others were approaching, he was moving away. I try to make him understand that Verdi is not bad, but I take it slowly. » More generally, the Verdi effect should make it possible to “ease the school climate and the tensions that may exist”, estimates CPE Daniel Alonso. “We realize that children are doing quite poorly since Covid. And a student who feels good works better,” assures Ouacila Hivert.

So there is work ahead for Verdi in the next two years. “As he is still a baby, we have provided places of refuge for him from the administration side,” says the principal.

(1) The association is located in Mérignac. Such. 05 56 47 85 15. Open day this Sunday September 29 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


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