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Abortion, a “murderous” law according to the Pope: “We must respect this word, hear it”, says a bishop

This morning, the Pope, in contemplation at the tomb of King Baudouin, let slip a somewhat controversial word on the law concerning abortion.

This Saturday morning, after going to the Koekelberg basilica, the pope visited the tomb of King Baudouin, located in the royal crypt, under the Notre-Dame church in Laeken. According to our colleagues from the daily La Libre, Pope Francis welcomed the “courage“of King Baldwin when he chose to”leave his post as King so as not to sign a murderous law.

These comments, which caused the Secular Action Center to jump, are causing a certain controversy, right in the heart of this weekend’s papal visit. Questioned on RTL, Tommy Scholtès, spokesperson for the bishops of Belgium, returned to these comments, trying to put out the potential start of a fire.

The event was completely private, there was nothing public about it, it was not a public statement. If Pope Francis had a word regarding abortion, we must respect that word, hear it, and then we will see how to react afterwards. It was a moment of prayer, not a moment of public declaration. We must sometimes be able to differentiate between prayer and public declaration, and here, we are in the dimension of prayer“, he believes.

Pope Pope’s visit


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