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A change announced on the duration of submission of lists

This Saturday, the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, General Jean Baptiste Tine, convened a meeting with political parties, coalitions and groups of independents wishing to participate in the early legislative elections scheduled for November 17, 2024.

This meeting, initiated by Alioune Tine from civil society, was held within the ministry responsible for elections in order to debate with stakeholders in the electoral process. It should be recalled that the previous week, the minister had had a lively discussion with the Alliance for Transparency in Elections, concerning the possible annulment of the decree convening the electoral college for these legislative elections.

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Three main points emerged from the discussions: the duration of submitting the lists, obtaining the criminal record, and the format of the ballot papers. According to the Minister of the Interior, a consensus was reached on the need to slightly extend the deadline for submitting lists. However, he stressed that this decision would have technical repercussions on the production of bulletins. Concerning questions related to ballots and criminal records, the competent services will be informed, the minister said.

Finally, Jean Baptiste Tine announced the establishment of a “permanent consultation framework” between the Ministry of the Interior and political actors, with the aim of improving the institutional system.

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→ ALSO READ: Legislative elections 2024: The ranking after the draw for the submission of lists


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