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SENEGAL––CULTURE / Saint-Louis: several activities on the program for French Volunteer Day – Senegalese Press Agency

Saint-Louis, September 28 (APS) – Several activities, including a cultural vigil, are planned for the celebration of the 14th edition of French Volunteer Day (JVF2024) scheduled for next Wednesday and Thursday at the French Institute of Senegal in Saint -Louis (north), we learned from an official source.

”Several activities are on the program for this 14th edition of the JVF in Senegal: a cultural vigil, a slam competition, the discovery of an associative village as well as a guided tour of the city of Saint-Louis, followed by a festive closing evening”, we can read in a press release sent to the APS.

The JVF are organized each year, in October, by Volontaires, the French platform for international exchange and solidarity volunteers.
”They highlight our volunteers and the structures that welcome them, in close collaboration with local authorities and French diplomatic posts,” the press release specifies.

According to the text, the JVF 2024 will be a unique opportunity to discover the richness of French-speaking creation in its multiple facets: artistic, cultural, societal, entrepreneurial and scientific.

He adds several authorities, notably the French ambassador to Senegal, Christine Fages, as well as Frédéric Cholé, the delegate for local authorities and civil society at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, will support this activity.



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