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Mini series – Harvest: in the heart of the vineyard

To mark the 2024 harvest, TV is offering you a mini-series of reports dedicated to the Moselle vineyards.

Do you know Moselle wine? The Moselle vineyard remains little-known but is no less qualitative and rich in stories. Through this mini-series of reports initially broadcast in Moselle Info on Moselle TV, Marie Vin takes you to discover the vineyards, the harvest, the bottling but also those who keep the wine sector alive in the department.

The harvest has started in the Moselle vineyards. At the Sontag estate, in Contz-les-Bains, Claude and his daughter Mélanie harvest the grapes over a fortnight, helped by around twenty people.

In the heart of the Moselle vineyards, we met Jean-Marie Leisen, a winegrower who perpetuates a family tradition, several generations old.

46 kilometers long, the Moselle wine route brings together more than 70 hectares of vines. Inaugurated in 2013, it allows you to meet winegrowers and AOC Moselle wines.

After the harvest, silence envelopes the vines. But underground, in the depths of the cellar, a completely different atmosphere reigns. The winemaking work begins.

After the harvest, vinification and bottling of the wine, it’s time for tasting. Wine merchants and restaurateurs show you what our Moselle wines become once they are put on the table.


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