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Françoise Souliman, prefect of Meurthe-et-

Françoise Souliman. Photo DR

She took up her position at the prefecture of Meurthe-et- a year ago. A strong character, clear decision-making and an appetite for security issues make her a profile that stands out in the political and economic landscape.

It is through her role that she became known. More precisely by the way it should definitely not be called. Françoise Souliman is not prefect but “Madame le préfet”. First act of a woman who does not let herself be fooled. What follows will prove that in reality too, she knows what she wants… or not. Françoise Souliman arrived in on August 21, 2023. She succeeds Arnaud Cochet. At 63, she is the first female prefect of the department. Field visits, regular meetings with the press, it is through contact and action that Françoise Souliman understands her role.

In recent weeks, his name has been regularly associated with another strong figure from Meurthe-et-Moselle. Between Françoise Souliman and Hervé Féron, the mayor of Tomblaine, the atmosphere is electric. Subject of discord: the requisition of the Tomblaine barracks. A mayor who resigns, a prefect who doesn’t give up. She does not hesitate, when she has the opportunity, to tackle the councilor. Just a few days ago, Françoise Souliman was at the heart of the news following the expulsion of the Crone circus, ordered by the Nancy judicial court, the latter being illegally installed in the parking lot of the Brico Dépôt store in Essey after having crisscrossed the department.

Previously prefect of Eure-et-Loir since 2021, passing through the Alpes-Maritimes, , Haute-Garonne, Haute-, Ardèche as sub-prefect then prefect, delegated prefect for Defense and Security for the Region… she has held several positions of responsibility. “I believe in the facilitating and unifying role of the State. This is what I want to be able to put on the table in the exercise of my functions,” she declared at the time of her inauguration. Alongside local businesses “weakened by the various crises”, it sees itself as a “VRP of state aid”.

Renowned for her appetite and mastery of security issues, which she undoubtedly draws from her experience as a project manager in the office of Minister of the Interior Charles Pasqua from 1993 to 1995, it is this concern that she had chosen to highlight when he arrived in Nancy. A subject that must be “studied closely”. She will make her first trip to the north of the department, to the town of Mont-Saint-Martin particularly affected by the riots in June, where she will meet the mayor and the police. First steps on a path that nothing seems to be able to deviate from.


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