DayFR Euro

. Control of the ZFE is confirmed, these new radars will soon arrive


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

Sep 28, 2024 at 6:52 a.m.

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They are awaited with a certain impatience by elected environmentalists and feared by many motorists in the Lyon metropolis.

The Low Emission Zone (ZFE) which prohibits a certain number of polluting vehicles in Lyon, , Caluire and certain major routes such as the ring road is currently poorly controlled. A situation that will change a lot.

Deployment of radars from 2026

Fabienne Buccio, the prefect of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, confirmed during a press conference dedicated to the Atmosphere Protection Plan for the Lyon conurbation the deployment in the coming months of radars allowing video recording of vehicles not not respecting the rules of the Lyon ZFE.

The control radars will be deployed at spring 2026 after having been postponed several times since the establishment of this zone excluding the most polluting vehicles.

The video recording system to check number plates

The radar system which must also be deployed in other urban areas such as , , or consists of check license plates. In the event of an infraction, the system will be able to issue a fine using the video verbalization with human verification from an agent.

Videos: currently on Actu

Compliance with the ZFE is only monitored by national and municipal police during occasional operations. In 2023, only 77 fines were issued, a very meager record compared to the thousands of motorists who enter the area every day.

The ZFE will be further extended on January 1, 2025 in the Lyon area with the ban on Crit’Air 3. The environmentalist president of the Lyon Metropolis Bruno Bernard aims to ban all diesel vehicles in the area by 2028 , a date that he ultimately postponed for two years, instead of 2026 in the face of criticism.

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